How It Works Biofuels Biofuels are a type of fuel made from processing biomass. Developing and using them is one solution to helping the energy transition away from fossil fuels. 5 min read
How It Works Heat Pumps Heat pumps have been around for a while. How does this technology for warming homes work and why is it becoming more widely used? 4 min read
How It Works Bouncing Batteries Did you know you can tell how much energy is left in a battery just by bouncing it?! 2 min read
Bright Idea Light from salt Simple chemistry could provide safe and valuable light sources for those who need it most. 3 min read
In Focus Internal Combustion Engine How fuel is processed in an internal combustion engine. 1 min read
Debate Save Energy, Waste Energy? Some of the ways that save energy can turn out to be not as efficient as you might think. 6 min read