
Everyday Energy

So you think you know everything about how to save energy and the benefits of cutting down our energy use?

Well you might just learn something new with our Energy Use Quiz. Try it below.

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Everyday Energy

Try this quiz all about energy use, how well will you do?

1 / 7

Which part of the world consumes the most energy?

2 / 7

Which of these will help lower your carbon footprint?

3 / 7

Which of these appliances uses the most energy in the average UK household.

4 / 7

Which sector uses the most energy in the UK.

5 / 7

How much longer does an energy saving lightbulb last compared to a regular incandescent lightbulb?

6 / 7

Which one of these uses the least amount of energy?

7 / 7

How much money does the average household waste every year by leaving things on standby?

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The average score is 50%


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