How It Works Nuclear Power Station Discover how today's nuclear power stations produce low-carbon electricity. 1 min read
Bright Idea Mini Nuclear Reactors Can Small Modular Reactors (SMR) form a positive part of our energy mix? 2 min read
How It Works Solar Thermal Energy How can we harness the Sun's thermal energy for electricity and heating? 4 min read
Energy Mix Germany Germany is the biggest consumer of energy in Europe. How does its energy mix shape up? 5 min read
Quizzes and Games Fossil Fuels Test your knowledge of fossil fuels in our quick quiz on these energy sources. 1 min read
How It Works Wave Energy Although water covers most of our planet’s surface, energy from waves is a largely untapped resource. 2 min read
Energy Mix France How does France generate enough power to meet not only the demands of its own population, but supply other countries too? 4 min read
Bright Idea Lunar Panels Could we soon be using the light of the Moon as a source of energy? 2 min read
Quizzes and Games Cows Vs Cars Learn about the surprising (and smelly) part cows play in contributing to climate change in this quiz. 1 min read