Answer the questions below to find out more about the surprising (and smelly) part cows play in contributing to climate change.
Cutting down on how often we travel by car, especially for very short distances, as well as turning down the heat in our homes, are both ways we are told we can cut down our energy use and prevent climate change from getting worse.
Agriculture (farming) makes up 10% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions. Some of this (36%) is methane from cow’s breath and farts! The rest is nitrous oxide (55%) and carbon dioxide (9%)
How would you feel if you were told to cut down on your favourite fast food burger? Did you know that cows farmed for beef and dairy (milk, cheese, etc) have an important part to play in climate change?
With rising populations, demand for this type of food will rise, as will the land needed for them to live and graze, and also the level of greenhouse gases they will produce.
Are you surprised by any of the answers to these questions? And would you be willing to change something as personal as what you eat?
Food for thought!