Can you describe a typical day in your job?
I manage the technical aspects of the Levenmouth Community Energy Project. This involves making sure the maintenance is carried out on the equipment, charging the electricity users the appropriate amount, developing new project ideas and working with universities to produce academic papers based on the innovative energy system at The Hydrogen Office. In addition, I help to run the centre’s wide range of education activities. This work ranges from hands-on activities with nurseries through to renewables experiments with college students and beyond into adult “train the trainer” courses.
The job is office based so I spend most of my day working at a computer. However, a typical day may also include a site tour. This would see me presenting to the visitors followed by a walk around of the site.
How did you get into this line of work?
My original degree was in Astrophysics as I was very interested in space when I was at school. However, towards the end of that course I developed an interest in renewable energy. I was particularly interested in how it could be used in Scotland. I pursued this interest by studying for an MSc in Renewable Energy Engineering at Heriot Watt. I was lucky enough to get an industry based dissertation project that focused on the hydrogen energy storage system at The Hydrogen Office. When I completed my degree I was offered the job as Technical Manager at the site. I have now been here for 5 years.

What skills do you need for your job?
Working at the cutting edge of technology requires perseverance. Things can and do go wrong as it is innovative equipment. However, you need to be able to push through that to solve the problems that arise. You also need to have good problem solving skills to generate ideas. Finally, a key part of my job is public facing so you need to have good presentation skills.
What is the best thing about your job?
Getting people enthusiastic and engaged about renewable energy through talks, workshops and tours.
Do you have any advice on how to get into this kind of work?
Talk to people. Energy is an interesting and challenging field that is fun to discuss. Most people who work in the field, that I have met, are very happy to discuss their experiences.